Keep It Secret... Keep It Safe

In a powerful moment during the movie "The Fellowship of the Ring," Gandalf imparts an exhortation to Frodo regarding the ring. It’s a scene that always strikes a chord with me. The looks between Frodo and Gandalph. The danger. The adventure. The anticipation. And then Gandalph’s parting words, spoken with fierce intensity, “Keep it secret. Keep it safe.”
You might wonder how a wizard's urging relates to securing major gifts for your cause? The answer lies not in the shadows of Mordor but in the power of relational fundraising.
Today I’m coming to you with three of the “secrets that are not so secret” known by seasoned major gift fundraisers who are able to raise 7-figure gifts. Spoiler alert: Presenting a compelling case on a super pretty 24+ deck powerpoint is not one of the secrets. Much like the One Ring, these “secrets” possess power untold.
Secret #1: It’s highly relational
Just as Frodo and Gandalf share an unbreakable bond, the essence of major gift fundraising lies in cultivating warm, personal relationships with donors. It's about seeing beyond the checkbook to the person holding the pen. By genuinely engaging with their stories, passions, and dreams, we not only pave the way for meaningful support, we also embark on a journey of mutual growth and discovery.
The most effective major gift fundraisers understand that a strong relationship today lays the groundwork for a transformational gift tomorrow.
Secret #2: Values alignment
In every successful philanthropic quest, there's a moment of alignment, where a donor's values and an organization's mission converge. This sacred alignment is the bedrock upon which transformational gifts are built. Like Gandalf guiding Frodo, our role is to navigate these waters with care, ensuring the journey aligns with the heart's true north.
And sometimes this means knowing when to guide the ship elsewhere, honoring the true intent of their giving. It may mean that in a spirit of generosity, you give away the gift (I’ve done it before) because you know they actually need to be connected to something else already in their sweet spot.
Secret #3. The “ask” before the ask…sometimes way before
Long before the crescendo of "the ask," there lies a series of meaningful, thoughtful exchanges. In these early conversations, much like Gandalf's gentle prodding of Frodo's courage, we lay the groundwork for the monumental ask. Early in the relationship you are seeking permission to dream together of a meaningful future through their generosity.
This takes so much mystery out of the formal ask. If they’ve given you permission, you can relax and enter into a productive and enjoyable dialogue, letting them guide you in the best timing and way to ask them.

I am reminded that while these tactics of fundraising may not be shrouded in secrecy, the stewardship of donor relationships is a sacred trust. Like Frodo, you look at the ring in your hand and realize you’ve been entrusted with a great responsibility of stewardship. You create a secure place for your givers to learn, talk, share, vent, dream, and give. That’s a fellowship you definitely want to keep safe. It is the ‘why’ that many of us love about this profession.
Keep it secret, keep it safe... and when it comes to the joy of giving, let the whole world know.
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The following information has changed a bit so don't skip over it! I now have the following options to energize and multiply your efforts in major gift fundraising
* The Catalyst Course - an online course for those who are tasked with major gift fundraising. The cost is $500 and you can take it at your own pace. This is the full enchilada - everything I have learned and succeeded and failed at over the years. The reviews on this course have been outstanding. The return on investment is exponential.
* The Catalyst Course, "Bitesize" style. Don't feel like you need the whole course? It's now available in separate modules or sessions which you can engage for as little as $50. Some of my most popular teachings are on "Systems" (in the Fundamentals module) and "The Ask" (in the Sacred module).
* Live Coaching. Or as I sometimes call it, "Brain Rental". I'm not going to be modest here. When people rent my brain to talk about major gift fundraising strategies, they have a significant return on investment. It's $400 per 90m session and if you purchase 6 or more sessions up front you get a sweet discount. Let me know if you're interested.
I look forward to hearing about your good work.